November 11, 2005

Reflection on a Spring Evening

As the rain ceases, the wind blows,
clouds float by, the moon hides.
Everyone, this is a spring evening.
The raw-warm air blows past.

From somewhere a deep sigh,
a kind of distant vision,
emerges, but I cannot take hold.
No one can speak of this

No one can speak of this--
but this in particular,
is it not life itself
which no one can lay bare?

In this way, people, one by one,
feel in their heart, looking at each other's faces,
perhaps even grinning,
how life passes.

As the rain ceases, the wind blows,
clouds float by, the moon hides.
Everyone, this is a spring evening.
The raw-warm air blows past.

中原中也 Nakahara Chuuya

This is a recent, and very raw, translation I did in my spare time at school. I am thinking of a better word for "reflection"--the word in Japanese is "感懐,” or kankai. It means "feeling" and "nostalgia," but put together it means what? Finding a single word for this is impossible. A legitimately "deep thought," as opposed to the sketch on Saturday Night Live that got old, but was profound in its repetition. Anyways, the moral is my translation sucks. Maybe next time.


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