October 22, 2004

Early Autumn, Cool, and Quiet Friday

This day goes beyond recognition in its effortles series of blessings. Maybe all of this started yesterday, when, as I was walking around, browsing for Halloween materials, I was approached at every corner by someone whom I wanted to see. In class today a mircale happened. Normally one of the least genki classes of the 1st grade, Mr. Hiramatsu's 1-C class, "stood up to the challenge" (from now on I will speak in idiomatic, Hiramatsuic fashion) of actually participating and FINISHING the lesson that I had so painstakingly prepared. Hooray! I now have finally "reaped what I have sown." "The shit has hit the fan": Jeff's class was so fun that we had to distribute tissues to those students in tears out of joy and laughter. OK, I am being an overzealous and hyperbolic fool, but there is a time and place for it and it is now. Well, this is the most gratuitous entry yet on my blog, but so it is. Se la vie. Is that right? Ich kann nicht Franzoesich. Gratuitous, grateful, all the same Latin, right? Gratis...for free...


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